MCC Membership Solutions

Mottram Cricket Club - Membership Solutions Case Study

Winter 2021 - Ongoing

Senior committee members identified a need to overhaul the existing "yearly" membership structure, which had been in place for decades with some small incremental price rises over the years, but with no material changes.

The existing structure was difficult to administer, saw no real "added value" benefits to members and was difficult to justify. It also resulted in several costs coming at once for some members in March & April (Membership, Playing Kit, Leisure Wear & Cricketing equipment).

In December 2021, plans were drawn up to move the membership structure to offer monthly payments via standing order. It was a chance to increase the membership for the club, without it being due for members in all at once.

After launching in April 2022, income from membership grew by 310% (there are costs associated with winter training for seniors and juniors that need to be paid from this). It has also given the club secure and reliable income in the traditionally leaner winter months.

Now the system is up and running, the administrative burden has been halved, with only a monthly cross check of the bank statement against a spreadsheet.

After some clear and concise communications were put together and a few open evenings were held, existing members signed up with ease and new members (mainly on the social side) have grown massively.

The change in membership structure was the next stage of growth at Mottram CC, and it was the natural next step following the installation of a new EPOS Till (with varying price levels) in March 2021.

New Website

Email Communication

Membership Solutions

Admin Support

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